New Bridge For The Plank Road

New Bridge For The Plank Road

Note To ALL Club Members

When riding the County trails please ride offset (not straight down the center) so we are not making ruts in the trail. Also when you are riding all of our trails please yield to pedestrians, horseback riders, hikers, and bicyclists on the trail. This means at least stopping for horses and slowing down for people. Also, when you are getting close to houses please slow down as a common courtesy to reduce dust. It is also illegal to ride down either State Routes 370 (in Cato) and 104A (in Fair Haven). We only have permission to cross these main routes. If you are caught, you WILL be ticketed and it will reflect poorly on the club. We need to do all this so we can keep people happy so we are allowed to continue sharing the trails in the near future.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wanted: Club Trail Coordinator

We are looking for a volunteer to be the club trail coordinator. This person will help trail bosses maintain trails and obtain materials and equipment necessary for work details. This person will report to the president and vice president of the club on decision-making and purchases (looking into purchasing needed materials, etc). Any questions or want further details, please contact Jermey at 592-8626.

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